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Have you been to a Singapore sports store and noticed there are many different sizes of footballs available? Have you thought to yourself, “Oh, that little one is so cute for my 3-year-old”, or “Will I help my 12-year-old achieve a better kick if I buy the big one”?

Here at Cosmo United Football Academy, we are often asked questions concerning the methods we use when training our young players in every aspect of soccer. One question that comes up regularly is why do we use various sizes of footballs for different age groups. Taking into consideration the physical ability of each age group, we also look at safety and how to achieve the best results on the field.

Making the right choice with the child in mind

There is a range of sizes for footballs that are available for training and matches involving younger players and choosing the correct size is a very important part of the process. When it comes to learning ball control and other soccer skills it is crucial not to overburden a young child with a ball that is too large or heavy for their size, weight and agility.

What sizes of footballs are available?

Soccer balls for outdoor pitches are normally available in 4 standard sizes, which range from the smallest size 2 to the size 5 full-sized adult competition soccer ball. Each football size is recommended for a specific age group in competition football, yet it makes good sense to train with the appropriate ball in order to help increase skills on an even playing level.

Size 2 football

The size 2 ball is only 56cm circumference, weighing 280g, and is the smallest available officially recognised football. It is likely to be an ideal choice as a first ball for the youngest players in the Under 5s category. However, it is suitable for all ages learning ball skills and often used in adult teams for ball control training due to its lighter weight and smaller dimensions.

Size 3 football

The next one up the range in size and weight is the size 3 ball for the Under 7s. It is the smallest ball used in official competitive soccer at a circumference of 60cm and weighing 340g. It is ideal for young players as they’re learning good defence skills with the ball.

Size 4 football

Players in the Under 9s/U11/U13 age groups are most likely to use the size 4 footballs in their soccer training and competitions. Heavier in weight at 390g, the 66cm size 4 circumference is the last official ball any players will use before they graduate to the full-size football. This rule is internationally recognised by both professional and amateur teams the world over.

Size 5 football

Once your child reaches the Under 15s player category, they will be allowed to use the full-sized football, with an average circumference of 70cm and weighing 450g. This is the officially recognised full-size competition football and those from authorised suppliers will also be FIFA-Approved.

Your children’s interest and aptitude for football will be better encouraged by playing with the right equipment for their age, size and skill set. A ball that is too large may cause a child to become frustrated at their perceived lack of ability and therefore they lose interest in the game. The ball sizes have been specifically chosen for their particular age groups to ensure everyone has the best chance at enjoying the game of soccer.

If you want your children to train correctly, contact Cosmo United Football Academy on +65 9821 3869 or email Also, check out our website or visit us on FacebookInstagram or subscribe to us at YouTube    

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